Singing Guide: The 88

Singing Guide: The 88

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The 88: Tips for Singing Like Keith Slettedahl

The 88 is an American indie rock band formed in Los Angeles in 2002. The group is known for its unique blend of piano-driven rock, textured harmonies, and clever lyrics. The lead vocalist and primary songwriter is Keith Slettedahl, who has a versatile and expressive singing style. In this article, we'll explore some tips for learning to sing like Keith Slettedahl, with a focus on his vocal technique and some recommended songs.

Vocal Technique

One hallmark of Keith Slettedahl's singing style is his ability to convey emotion through his vocals, often using falsetto and vibrato to create a sense of vulnerability and intimacy. To emulate this, it's important to practice breathing exercises to ensure you have strong breath support, which is essential for hitting high notes with control. Singing exercises that focus on steady, controlled vibrato can also help create the desired effect.

Another important aspect of Slettedahl's style is his use of dynamics and phrasing to convey the subtleties of a song's lyrics. Practicing articulation exercises and experimenting with different phrasing techniques can help bring out the nuances of a song's meaning and emotions.

Recommended songs

To practice singing like Keith Slettedahl, it can be helpful to choose songs that showcase his unique vocal technique and style. Some recommended tracks to try out include "No One Here", "Coming Home", and "Love Is The Thing." Each of these tracks features Slettedahl's emotive vocals, with powerful choruses and introspective verses. Pay close attention to his use of vibrato, falsetto, and dynamics to get a sense of how to apply these techniques to your own singing.

Singing Carrots resources

Singing Carrots offers a range of tools and resources for aspiring singers looking to improve their vocal technique and overall performance. Some relevant resources for those looking to emulate Keith Slettedahl's style include:

  • The vocal range test, which can help you identify your vocal range and compare it to famous singers, including Slettedahl himself.
  • The pitch accuracy test, which can help you measure your pitch accuracy and identify areas of improvement.
  • The pitch training tool, which allows you to practice your pitch with interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises.
  • The search songs feature, which lets you search for songs based on your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference.
  • The singing course, which covers the basics of singing theory and provides practical tips for improving your performance.
  • Articles, such as those about vocal registers, breathing techniques, singing with emotion and other topics can be useful to improve specific aspects of your technique.

By using these resources and incorporating some of the techniques and strategies discussed above, you can improve your singing and learn to sing like Keith Slettedahl. Keep practicing, stay patient, and most importantly, have fun!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.